How to become a Seafarer or Seaman?

Seaman Cap - schoolofmaritime

There’s lots of reasons why many are wanting to become a seafarer in the Philippines. It can be the passion or higher salary cost or for the better opportunities waiting.

Everyone can be a seafarer even you don’t graduated with a degree, as long as you are determined, you can be one of them.

How to start your maritime career

  1. Take a maritime course. If you want to have a high position in the maritime industry, you should consider taking between Marine Engineering and Marine Transportation. There are many MARINA and CHED accredited maritime schools in the Philippines that you may consider, one example is PNTC Colleges in Intramuros. With this degree, you can have a high position at the same time, a high position from other seafarers.
  1. Take the seaman basic training course. To able to be a seaman, this basic training course is required for all seafarers. You need to take an STCW95, and once you have completed the training, you will be certified and this will be the key to your marine career. But take note, you should take your training at the schools or training center approved by MARINA.
  1. Get a passbook and Seaman’s Book. If you want to work abroad, a passbook is a must, make it available as early as you can.  To get a Seaman’s book, you must’ve finished and passed the basic training. Seaman Book serves as your identity id, indicated all your projects, ships and captain encountered. It is important to any seaman, and should keep it without it you can’t climb into the next step.
  1. Apply to the manning and shipping agencies. It’s time to get employed. Once everything is settled, it’s time to find manning or shipping agencies and there are many. But make sure you got the legitimate one. You can check them if they legit at POEA’s website, to avoid getting fooled and to make you will climb on the ship.

Though, it wouldn’t be that easy, you need to trust yourself. Soon you will embark and get a chance to travel the world.

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